[The Banner, Tuesday, January 8, 1918; Note:  I omitted some items which included few names of local interest.]

Paragraphs Which Tell of the Activities of the Neighboring City in Barrow

The Barrow Times has secured the services of Mr. L. H. Jenkins to act as foreman and business manager during 1918.  He is an experienced newspaper man and with Editor J. C. Flanigan will put the Times well to the fore as one of Georgia’s leading weeklies.  With the two splendid weeklies, the Barrow Times and the Winder News, this section need fear no news famine for 1918.

Farm Demonstrator

Mr. W. Hill Hosch Barrow’s most popular farm demonstrator, is in Athens taking a two weeks’ course at the State College of Agriculture.  The county under his able leadership is going to forge to the front this year.  Already a new interest is being feld in stock raising and grain producing.

Ministerial Association

The Appalachee Baptist Ministerial Association met at Bethlehem, just below here, Wednesday for its first monthly meeting.

The attendance was good and the hospitality of the Bethlehem people royal.

The following officers were elected for 1918:  Rev. D. W. Key, D.D., Monroe, president; Rev. T. C. Buchanan, of Winder, secretary-treasurer; executive committee:  Dr. D. W. Key, Revs. H. J. Gose and W. S. Walker.

The next session convenes with Bethel Baptist church, near Bostwick.  The 11 o’clock sermon will be preached by Rev. W. H. Faust, of Winder.

Winder W. C. T. U. 

On last Friday afternoon the Winder W. C. T. U. met with Miss Ida Kilgore, Mesdames S. T. Ross and G. W. Smith at the home of the latter.

After a short program the business part of the meeting was in order.

The union is doing a good work in Winder and Barrow county.  Literature is being placed in each school throughout the county for the benefit of the children.

With its many works, the union has not forgotten the soldier boys who have gone from Barrow county.  A comfort kit has been given to each one and a goodly number is ready for the colored men who will be called soon — about 100 in number.

Many bandages have been made by the union for the army and navy.